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WOW! I just finished The Reluctant Messenger of Science and Religion, and I can’t think of much else to say except WOW! I have read through your website (still am), but your book is amazing.
Skip Hawkins
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The Reluctant Messenger of Science and Religion
Science and the World's Religions are Pieces to a Puzzle That Need Each Other to Form a Complete Picture
One special feature in the book is my true experience (cloaked as fiction) as to how
and why I became the Reluctant Messenger. When you read those two chapters
you will have no problem figuring out what I really experienced.
Stephen Boston aka Chester
Never before has a book solved so many mysteries.
This is the most inspirational story I have ever read. Honest! Clint Hoadley.
Science teaches evolution. Genesis describes creation. Christianity, Judaism, and Sufism teach resurrection. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism teach reincarnation. The Reluctant Messenger of Science and Religion resolves these paradoxes.
Chester and Lydia meet in a debate. One wins. One loses. Neither are ever the same. Lydia discovers a secret from her past that destroyed her family. She tries to ignore it, but her nightmares won’t let her. Chester’s greed for gold and revenge lead him to ancient knowledge which the powers of darkness fight to suppress. When the information last came to light, thousands died. Somehow, Chester must safely reveal it to the world.
The Reluctant Messenger of Science and Religion
Science and the World's Religions are Pieces to a Puzzle That Need Each Other to Form a Complete Picture
Please pray for the success of the book.
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