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Lost, Forgotten Books and Ancient Sacred Texts
Although not considered canon, these ancient texts are part of the heritage of Judaism and Christianity. Some, such as the Book of Enoch, are condidered sacred by some. The Ethiopian Church has The Book of Enoch as part of their Bible. The Gospel of Thomas is considered by many as the Fifth Gospel and others consider it the source sayings document that preceeded all of the Gospels. All of these texts, at one time or another, were lost to the world until found within the last 120 year by travelers or archeologists. Although some are considered to be pseudepigraphic, they carry significant meaning and insight into events of that time. Read them and discover their treasures for yourself.
Biblical Corruption?
The Acts of The Apostle Thomas
The Apocalypse of Peter
The Apocalypse of Paul
The Book of Enoch
Eugnostos the Blessed
The Book of James - Protevangelium
The Book of Jubilees
The Dialogue of the Saviour
The Didache: Teachings of the 12 Apostles
The Epistle of Barnabas
The Epistle to the Laodiceans
The Essenes and The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Essene Gospel of Peace
The Essene Book of Revelation
The Forgotten Books of Eden: First and Second Book of Adam and Eve:
The Gospel of the Egyptians
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene.
The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary
The Gospel of Nicodemus
The Gospel of The Perfect Life / Holy (12) Twelve
The Gospel of Philip
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Truth
The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek
The Lost Gospel of Peter
The Sophia (Wisdom) of Jesus
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
The Lost Years of Jesus
The Testament of Abraham
The Treatise on the Resurrection
Bonus Materials
The Ancient Histories of Flavius Josephus
The Book of Enoch
The Book of Chester
Council of Laodicea
Epistle of Barnabus
The Essene Book of Revelation
Fox's Book of Martyrs
First Book of Adam and Eve
Second Book of Adam and Eve
Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
The Lost Years of Jesus
Mystery of the Ages
The Two Babylons
The United States and Britian in Prophecy
 Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden
$3.99 Kindle eBook
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 The Other Bible: Ancient Alternative Scriptures
 The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English
 The Nag Hammadi Library in English