10 Gurus

The Reluctant Messenger of Science and Religion Novel
 Science And The World's Religions Are Pieces to a Puzzle that Need Each Other to Form A Complete Picture
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The three blended religions of Sihkism, Zen Buddism, and the Church of God.
The Eternal spake:
"Take what was split
asunder and make
whole again."
And I saw the
before the Throne
of the Eternal.
Where once there
were six candles
stood three candles.
Other topics related are:
God, Sihkism, Zen Buddism, Church of God, sabbath
Reluctant Messenger, Science, Religion,
Spirituality, God, Allah, Qur'an, Bible, Torah, Codes, Taoism, Judaism,
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Buddha, Hindu, Sihks, Kabbalah, Sufi,
Mysticism, Jewish, Taoist.
The Blended Religions
The Master walked with Chester through the contemplation glade to where the contemplation
pond was. As he sat down in his customary position where he could watch the sunset, he told Chester,
"You are ready to learn about the three blended religions."
Chester sat next to the Master and asked, "What do you mean blended religions?"
The Master explained, "After Christ returns and establishes paradise on earth,
all religions will be blended into the one harmonic whole. The Wisdom of Balance
teaches us to seek the answers to the puzzles of God in the opposites. Satan
has turned religion against religion and man against man. Christ will love all
religions and all of mankind and separate the wisdom in each religion from
the error in each religion."
Chester smiled, "Ok, so Christ will undo what happened at the Tower of Babel and
bring unity back to mankind's understanding of God."
The Master continued, "God has started the process of blending the religions by
combining Buddhism and Taoism into Zen Buddhism. The second blended religion
God inspired is known as Sihkism which is a blend of Hinduism and Islam. The third blended
religion is known as the Church of God. This is a blend of Judaism and Christianity."
Chester remarked, "I was in your library and saw the pile of magazines called the Plain Truth that went back
to the 1960's. The Church of God taught sabbath keeping and observance of the Holy Days as commanded in
the Torah yet they worshipped Christ and belived he was the Son of God. I also saw the books on Messianic Jewish Organizations.
It seems you have done your research."
The Master smiled, "If you focus your research on the three blended religions, you
will find Understanding. Zen Buddhism teaches us the wisdoms of Godly Balance and
of Godly Awareness. Sihkism teachs the wisdoms of Oneness with God and Eternity with God.
The Church of God teaches the wisdoms of Faith in God and of achieving the Holyness of God."
"Of course," Chester shouted as understanding struck him, "And that leaves the wisdom
of Infinity and Satan has hidden the wisdom of Infinity in science which has arrogantly sought
to disprove God yet has to its shame, proven God exists. This is heavy."
Chester stood up and bowed, "Excuse me Master,
I have much to think about and much to learn, I will leave you to your meditations."
Blended Religion links
Churches of God and Sabbath Christians
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