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Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus
Chapters 22 - 28
The friendship of Jesus and Lamaas. Jesus explains to Lamaas the meaning of truth,
man, power, understanding, wisdom, salvation and faith.
AMONG the priests of Jagannath was one who loved the Jewish boy. Lamaas Bramas
was the name by which the priest was known.
2 One day as Jesus and Lamaas walked alone in plaza Jagannath, Lamaas said, My
Jewish master, what is truth?
3 And Jesus said, Truth is the only thing that changes not.
4 In all the world there are two things; the one is truth; the other falsehood is; and
truth is that which is, and falsehood that which seems to be.
5 Now truth is aught, and has no cause, and yet it is the cause of everything.
6 Falsehood is naught, and yet it is the manifest of aught.
7 Whatever has been made will be unmade; that which begins must end.
8 All things that can be seen by human eyes are manifests of aught, are naught, and
so must pass away.
9 The things we see are but reflexes just appearing, while the ethers vibrate so and
so, and when conditions change they disappear.
10 The Holy Breath is truth; is that which was, and is, and evermore shall be; it
cannot change nor pass away.
11 Lamaas said, You answer well; now, what is man?
12 And Jesus said, Man is the truth and falsehood strangely mixed.
13 Man is the Breath made flesh; so truth and falsehood are conjoined in him; and
they strive, and naught goes down and man as truth abides.
14 Again Lamaas asked, What do you say of power?
15 And Jesus said, It is a manifest; is the result of force; it is but naught; it is illusion,
nothing more. Force changes not, but power changes as the ethers change.
16 Force is the will of God and is omnipotent, and power is that will in manifest,
directed by the Breath.
17 There is power in the winds, a power in the waves, a power in the lightning's
stroke, a power in the human arm, a power in the eye.
18 The ethers cause there powers to be, and thought of Elohim, of angel, man, or
other thinking thing, directs the force; when it has done its work the power is no more.
19 Again Lamaas asked, Of understanding what have you to say?
20 And Jesus said, It is the rock on which man builds himself; it is the gnosis of the
aught and of the naught, of falsehood and of truth.
21 It is the knowledge of the lower self; the sensing of the powers of man himself.
22 Again Lamaas asked, Of wisdom what have you to say?
23 And Jesus said, It is the consciousness that man is aught; that God and man are
24 That naught is naught; that power is but illusion; that heaven and earth and hell
are not above, around, below, but in; which in the light of aught becomes the naught,
and God is all.
25 Lamaas asked, Pray, what is faith?
26 And Jesus said, Faith is the surety of the omnipotence of God and man; the
certainty that man will reach the deific life.
27 Salvation is a ladder reaching from the heart of man to heart of God.
28 It has three steps; Belief is first, and this is what man thinks, perhaps, is truth.
29 And faith is next, and this is what man knows is truth.
30 Fruition is the last, and this is man himself, the truth.
31 Belief is lost in faith; and in fruition is lost; and man is saved when he has reached
deific life; when he and God are one.
Jesus and Lamaas among the sudras and visyas. In Benares. Jesus becomes a pupil
of Udraka. The lessons of Udraka.
NOW, Jesus with his friend Lamaas went through all the regions of Orissa, and the
valley of the Ganges, seeking wisdom from the sudras and the visyas and the masters.
2 Benares of the Ganges was a city rich in culture and in learning; here the two
rabbonis tarried many days.
3 And Jesus sought to learn the Hindu art of healing, and became the pupil of
Udraka, greatest of the Hindu healers.
4 Udraka taught the uses of the waters, plants and earths; of heat and cold; sunshine
and shade; of light and dark.
5 He said, The laws of nature are the laws of health, and he who lives according to
these laws is never sick.
6 Transgression of these laws is sin, and he who sins is sick.
7 He who obeys the laws, maintains an equilibrium in all his parts, and thus insures
true harmony; and harmony is health, while discord is disease.
8 That which produces harmony in all the parts of man is medicine, insuring health.
9 The body is a harpsichord, and when its strings are too relaxed, or are too tense,
the instrument is out of tune, the man is sick.
10 Now, everything in nature has been made to meet the wants of man; so
everything is found in medical arcanes.
11 And when the harpsichord of man is out of tune the vast expanse of nature may
be searched for remedy; there is a cure for every ailment of the flesh.
12 Of course the will of man is remedy supreme; and by the vigorous exercise of will,
man way make tense a chord that is relaxed, or may relax one that is too tense, and
thus may heal himself.
13 When man has reached the place where he has faith in God, in nature and
himself, he knows the Word of power; his word is balm for every wound, is cure for all
the ills of life.
14 The healer is the man who can inspire faith. The tongue may speak to human
ears, but souls are reached by souls that speak to souls.
15 He is the forceful man whose soul is large, and who can enter into souls, inspiring
hope in those who have no hope, and faith in those who have no faith in God, in
nature, nor in man.
16 There is no universal balm for those who tread the common walks of life.
17 A thousand things produce inharmony and make men sick; a thousand things may
tune the harpsichord, and make men well.
18 That which is medicine for one is poison for another one; so one is healed by
what would kill another one.
19 An herb may heal the one; a drink of water may restore another one; a mountain
breeze may bring to life one seeming past all help;
20 A coal of fire, or bit of earth, may cure another one; and one may wash in certain
streams, or pools, and be made whole.
21 The virtue from the hand or breath may heal a thousand more; but love is queen.
Thought, reinforced by love, is God's great sovereign balm.
22 But many of the broken chords in life, and discords that so vex the soul, are
caused by evil spirits of the air that men see not; that lead men on through ignorance
to break the laws of nature and of God.
23 These powers act like demons, and they speak; they rend the man; they drive him
to despair.
24 But he who is a healer, true, is master of the soul, and can, by force of will,
control these evil ones.
25 Some spirits of the air are master spirits and are strong, too strong for human
power alone; but man has helpers in the higher realms that may be importuned, and
they will help to drive the demons out.
26 Of what this great physician said, this is the sum. And Jesus bowed his head in
recognition of the wisdom of this master soul, and went his way.
The Brahmic doctrine of castes. Jesus repudiates it and teaches human equality. The
priests are offended and drive him from the temple. He abides with the sudras and
teaches them.
FOUR years the Jewish boy abode in temple Jagannath.
2 One day he sat among the priests and said to them, Pray, tell me all about your
views of castes; why do you say that all men are not equal in the sight of God?
3 A master of their laws stood forth and said, The Holy One whom we call Brahm,
made men to suit himself, and men should not complain.
4 In the beginning days of human life Brahm spoke, and four men stood before his
5 Now, from the mouth of Parabrahm the first man came; and he was white, was like
the Brahm himself; a brahman he was called.
6 And he was high and lifted up; above all want he stood; he had no need of toil.
7 And he was called the priest of Brahm, the holy one to act for Brahm in all affairs
of earth.
8 The second man was red, and from the hand of Parabrahm he came; and he was
called shatriya.
9 And he was made to be the king, the ruler and the warrior, whose highest ordained
duty was protection of the priest.
10 And from the inner parts of Parabrahm the third man came; and he was called a
11 He was a yellow man, and his it was to till the soil, and keep the flocks and herds.
12 And from the feet of Parabrahm the fourth man came; and he was black; and he
was called the sudras, one of low estate.
13 The sudras is the servant of the race of men; he has no rights that others need
respect; he may not hear the Vedas read, and it means death to him to look into the
face of priest, or king, and naught but death can free him from his state of servitude.
14 And Jesus said, Then Parabrahm is not a God of justice and of right; for with his
own strong hand he has exulted one and brought another low.
15 And Jesus said no more to them, but looking up to heaven he said,
16 My Father-God, who was, and is, and evermore shall be; who holds within thy
hands the scales of justice and of right;
17 Who in the boundlessness of love has made all men to equal be. The white, the
black, the yellow, and the red can look up in thy face and say, Our Father-God.
18 Thou Father of the human race, I praise thy name.
19 And all the priests were angered by the words which Jesus spoke; they rushed
upon him, seized him, and would have done him harm.
20 But then Lamaas raised his hand and said, You priests of Brahm, beware! you
know not what you do; wait till you know the God this youth adores.
21 I have beheld this boy at prayer when light above the light of the sun surrounded
him. Beware! his God may be more powerful than Brahm.
22 If Jesus speaks the truth, if he is right, you cannot force him to desist; if he is
wrong and you are right, his words come to naught, for right is might, and in the end
it will prevail.
23 And then the priests refrained from doing Jesus harm; but one spoke out and
24 Within this holy place has not this reckless youth done violence to Parabrahm?
The law is plain; it says, He who reviles the name of Brahm shall die.
25 Lamaas pled for Jesus' life; and then the preists just seized a scourge of cords
and drove him from the place.
26 And Jesus went his way and found shelter with the black and yellow men, the
servants and the tiller of the soil.
27 To them he first made known the gospel of equality; he told them of the
Brotherhood of Man, the Fatherhood of God.
28 The common people heard him with delight, and learned to pray, Our Father-God
who art in heaven.
Jesus teaches the sudras and farmers. Realates a parable of a nobleman and his
unjust sons. Makes known the possibilities of all men.
WHEN Jesus saw the sudras and the farmers in such multitudes draw near to hear his
words, he spoke a parable to them; he said:
2 A nobleman possessed a great estate; he had four sons, and he would have them
all grow strong by standing forth and making use of all the talents they possessed.
3 And so he gave to each a share of his great wealth, and bade them go their way.
4 The eldest son was full of self; he was ambitious, shrewd and quick of thought.
5 He said within himself, I am the oldest son, and these, my brothers, must be
servants at my feet.
6 And then he called his brothers forth; and one he made a puppet king; gave him
a sword and charged him to defend the whole estate.
7 To one he gave the use of lands and flowing wells, and flocks and herds, and bade
him till the soil, and tend the flocks and herds and bring to him the choicest of his
8 And to the other one he said, You are the youngest son; the broad estate has been
assigned; you have no part nor lot in anything that is.
9 And he took a chain and bound his brother to a naked rock upon a desert plain,
and said to him,
10 You have been born a slave; you have no rights, and you must be contented with
your lot, for there is no release for you until you die and go from hence.
11 Now, after certain years the day of reckoning came; the nobleman called up his
sons to render their accounts.
12 And when he knew that one, his eldest son, had seized the whole estate and
made his brothers slaves,
13 He seized him, tore his priestly robes away and put him in a prison cell, where he
was forced to stay until he had atoned for all the wrongs that he had done.
14 And then, as though they were but toys, he threw in air the throne and armour of
the puppet king; he broke his sword, and put him in a prison cell.
15 And then he called his farmer son and asked him why he had not rescued from
his galling chains his brother on the desert plains.
16 And when the son made answer not, the father took unto himself the flocks and
herds, the fields and flowing wells,
17 And sent his farmer son to live out on the desert sands, until he had atoned for
all the wrongs that he had done.
18 And then the father went and found his youngest son in cruel chains; with his own
hands he broke the chains and bade his son to go in peace.
19 Now, when the sons had all paid up their debts they came again and stood before
the bar of right.
20 They all had learned their lessons, learned them well; and then the father once
again divided the estate.
21 He gave to each a share, and bade them recognise the law of equity and right,
and live in peace.
22 And one, a sudras, spoke and said, May we who are but slaves, who are cut
down like beasts to satisfy the whims of priests--may we have hope that one will come
to break our chains and set us free?
23 And Jesus said, The Holy One has said, that all his children shall be free; and
every soul is child of God.
24 The sudras shall be free as priest; the farmer shall walk hand in hand with king;
for all the world will own the brotherhood of man. 25 O men, arise! be conscious of your powers, for he who wills need not remain a
26 Just live as you would have your brother live; unfold each day as does the flower;
for earth is yours, and heaven is yours, and God will bring you to your own.
27 And all the people cried, Show us the way that like the flower we may unfold and
come unto our own.
Jesus at Katak. The car of Jagannath Jesus reveals to the people the emptiness of
Brahmic rites, and how to see God in man. Teaches them the divine law of sacrifice.
IN all the cities of Orissa Jesus taught. At Katak, by the river side, he taught, and
thousands of the people followed him.
2 One day a car of Jagannath was hauled along by scores of frenzied men, and
Jesus said,
3 Behold, a form without a spirit passes by; a body with no soul; a temple with no
altar fires.
4 This car of Krishna is an empty thing, for Krishna is not there.
5 This car is but an idol of a people drunk on wine of carnal things.
6 God lives not in the noise of tongues; there is no way to him from any idol shrine.
7 God's meeting place with man is in the heart, and in a still small voice he speaks;
and he who hears is still.
8 And all the people said, Teach us to know the Holy One who speaks within the
heart, God of the still small voice.
9 And Jesus said, The Holy Breath cannot be seen with mortal eyes; nor can men
see the Spirits of the Holy;
10 But in their image man was made, and he who looks into the face of man, looks
at the image of the God who speaks within.
11 And when man honours man he honours God, and what man does for man, he
does for God.
12 And you must bear in mind that when man harms in thought, or word or deed
another man, he does a wrong to God.
13 If you would serve the God who speaks within the heart, just serve your near of
kin, and those that are no kin, the stranger at your gates, the foe who seeks to do you
14 Assist the poor, and help the weak; do harm to none, and covet not what is not
15 Then, with your tongue the Holy One will speak; and he will smile behind your
tears, will light your countenance with joy, and fill your hearts with peace.
16 And then the people asked. To whom shall we bring gifts? Where shall we offer
17 And Jesus said, Our Father-God asks not for needless waste of plant,of grain, of
dove, of lamb.
18 That which you burn on any shrine you throw away. No blessings can attend the
one who takes the food from hungry mouths to be destroyed by fire.
19 When you would offer sacrifice unto our God, just take your gift of grain, or meat
and lay it on the table of the poor.
20 From it an incense will arise to heaven, which will return to you with blessedness.
21 Tear down your idols; they can hear you not; turn all your sacrificial altars into fuel
for the flames.
22 Make human hearts your altars, and burn your sacrifices with the fire of love.
23 And all the people were entranced, and would have worshiped Jesus as a God;
but Jesus said,
24 I am your brother man just come to show to way to God; you shall not worship
man; praise God, the Holy One.
Jesus attends a feast in Behar. Preaches a revolutionary sermon on human equality.
Relates the parable of the broken blades.
THE fame of Jesus as a teacher spread through all the land, and people came from
near and far to hear his words of truth.
2 At Behar, on the sacred river of the Brahms, he taught for many days.
3 And Ach, a wealthy man of Behar, made a feast in honour of his guest, and he
invited every one to come.
4 And many came; among them thieves, extortioners, and courtesans. And Jesus sat
with them and taught; but they who followed him were much aggrieved because he sat
with thieves and courtesans.
5 And they upbraided him; they said, Rabboni, master of the wise, this day will be
an evil day for you.
6 The news will spread that you consort with courtesans and thieves, and men will
shun you as they shun an asp.
7 And Jesus answered them and said, A master never screens himself for sake of
reputation or of fame.
8 These are but worthless baubles of the day; they rise and sink, like empty bottles
on a stream; they are illusions and will pass away;
9 They are the indices to what the thoughtless think; they are the noise that people
make; and shallow men judge merit by noise.
10 God and all master men judge men by what they are and not by what they seem
to be; not by their reputation and their fame.
11 These courtesans and theives are children of my Father-God; their soul are just
as precious in his sight as yours, or of the Brahmic priests.
12 And they are working out the same life sums that you, who pride yourselves on
your respectability and moral worth, are working out.
13 And some of them have solved much harder sums than you have solved, you
men who look at them with scorn.
14 Yes, they are sinners, and confess their guilt, while you are guilty, but are shrewd
enough to have polished coat to cover up your guilt.
15 Suppose you men who scorn these courtesans, these drunkards and these
thieves, who know that you are pure in heart and life, that you are better far than they,
stand forth that men may know just who you are.
16 The sin lies in the wish, in the desire, not in the act.
17 You covet other people's wealth; you look at charming forms, and deep within
your hearts you lust for them.
18 Deceit you practice every day, and wish for gold, for honour and for fame, just for
your selfish selves.
19 The man who covets is a thief, and she who lusts is courtesan. You who are none
of these speak out.
20 Nobody spoke; the accusers held their peace.
21 And Jesus said, The proof this day is all against those who have accused.
22 The pure in heart do not accuse. The vile in heart who want to cover up their guilt
with holy smoke of piety are ever loathing drunkard, thief and courtesan.
23 This loathing and this scorn is mockery, for if the tinselled coat of reputation could
be torn away, the loud professor would be found to revel in his lust, deceit and many
forms of secret sin.
24 The man who spends his time in pulling other people's weeds can have no time
to pull his own, and all the choicest flowers of life will soon be choked and die, and
nothing will remain but darnel, thistles, burs.
25 And Jesus spoke a parable: he said, Behold, a farmer had great fields of ripened
grain, and when he looked he saw that blades of many stalks of wheat were bent and
broken down.
26 And when he sent his reapers forth he said, We will not save the stalks of wheat
that have the broken blades.
27 Go forth and cut and burn the stalks with broken blades.
28 And after many days he went to measure up his grain, but not a kernel could be
29 And then he called the harvesters and said to them, Where is my grain?
30 They answered him and said, We did according to your word; we gathered up and
burned the stalks with broken blades, and not a stalk was left to carry to the barn.
31 And Jesus said, If God saves only those who have no broken blades, who have
been perfect in his sight, who will be saved?
32 And the accusers hung their heads in shame; and Jesus went his way.
Udraka gives a feast in Jesus' honour. Jesus speaks on the unity of God and the
brotherhood of life. Criticises the priesthood. Becomes the guest of a farmer.
BENARES is the sacred city of the Brahms, and in Benares Jesus taught; Udraka was
his host.
2 Udraka made a feast in honour of his guest, and many high born Hindu priests and
scribes were there.
3 And Jesus said to them, With much delight I speak to you concerning life--the
brotherhood of life.
4 The universal God is one, yet he is more than one; all things are God; all things
are one.
5 By the sweet breaths of God all life is bound in one; so if you touch a fibre of a
living thing you send a thrill from the centre to the outer bounds of life.
6 And when you crush beneath your foot the meanest worm, you shake the throne
of God, and cause the sword of right to tremble in its sheath.
7 The bird sings out its song for men, and men vibrate in unison to help it sing.
8 The ant constructs her home, the bee its sheltering comb, the spider weaves her
web, and flowers breath to them a spirit in their sweet perfumes that gives them
strength to toil.
9 Now, men and birds and beasts and creeping things are deities, made flesh; and
how dare men kill anything?
10 'Tis cruelty that makes the world awry. When men have learned that when they
harm a living thing they harm themselves, they surely will not kill, nor cause a thing that
God has made to suffer pain.
11 A lawyer said,I pray you, Jesus, tell who is this God you speak about; where are
his priests, his temples and his shrines?
12 And Jesus said, The God I speak about is everywhere; he cannot be compassed
with walls, nor hedged about with bounds of any kind.
13 All people worship God, the One; but all the people see him not alike.
14 This universal God is wisdom, will and love.
15 All men see not the Triune God. One sees him as the God of might; another as
the God of thought; another as the God of love.
16 A man's ideal is his God, and so, as man unfolds. Man's God to-day, to-morrow
is not God.
17 The nations of the earth see God from different points of view, and so he does not
seem the same to every one.
18 Man names the part of God he sees, and this to him is all of God; and every
nation sees a part of God, and every nation has a name for God.
19 You Brahmans call him Parabrahm; in Egypt he is Thoth; and Zeus is his name
in Greece; Jehovah is his Hebrew name; but everywhere he is the causeless Cause,
the rootless Root from which all things have grown.
20 When men become afraid of God, and take him for a foe, they dress up other
men in fancy garbs and call them priests.
21 And charge them to restrain the wrath of God by prayers; and when they fail to
win his favour by their prayers, to buy him off with sacrifice of animal, or bird.
22 When man sees God as one with him, as Father-God, he needs no middle man,
no priest to intercede;
23 He goes straight up to him and says, My Father- God! and then he lays his hand
in God's own hand, and all is well.
24 And this is God. You are, each one, a priest, just for yourself; and sacrifice of
blood God does not want.
25 Just give your life in sacrificial service to all of life, and God is pleased.
26 When Jesus had thus said he stood aside; the people were amazed, but strove
among themselves.
27 Some said, He is inspired by Holy Brahm; and others said, He is insane; and
others said, He is obsessed; he speaks as devils speak.
28 But Jesus tarried not. Among the guests was one, a tiller of the soil, a generous
soul, a seeker after truth, who loved the words that Jesus spoke, and Jesus went with
him, and in his home abode.
The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age. Transcribed from the Book of God's Remembrance Known as the Akashic records
Who was Levi? |
Introduction |
001-007 |
008-014 |
015-021 |
022-028 |
029-035 | |
036-042 |
043-049 |
050-056 |
057-063 |
064-070 | |
071-077 |
078-084 |
085-091 |
092-098 |
099-115 | |
116-122 |
123-129 |
130-136 |
137-143 |
144-150 | |
151-157 |
158-164 |
165-171 |
172-178 |
179-182 |
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The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age
 Transcribed from the Book of God's Remembrance Known as the Akashic records
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