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The History of God The Perfect Realm
Once God controlled the dream he spent eons directing the dream perfectly. The Perfect
Realm's ever
changing pattern was joyous to experience. The Perfect Realm resonated
in the Eternal Now as a perfect blend of sound, textures and color.
Such ecstasy of colors, patterns, and dimensions
dancing to the absolute perfect control of God's Infinite Awareness.
God spread his control of patterns into countless infinities.
Chaos had been completely eliminated from the Now.
Yet there was a part of Chaos God missed.
God missed being surprised. During the Eons of Chaos
it was continuity and predictableness that God sought to create. Surprise
was in every shifting frame of chaos, but God had eliminated surprise too well.
Now God sought a way to have predictability and
surprise in balance.
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The Reluctant Messenger of Science and Religion Novel
 Science And The World's Religions Are Pieces to a Puzzle that Need Each Other to Form A Complete Picture
The Essential Teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong

His Teachings Focused on The Incredible Human Potential. Did He Solve the Mystery of the Ages? New Book about HWA's Teachings. Recommended!
The Story
The Debate
Chester meets the Master
The Next Day
The Deal
The 5 Wisdoms of Science
At Exactly 12:34
My Mystic Experience
Who We Really Are
Genesis vs Evolution
The Plan of God
Rebellion of Lucifer
God Repairs the Earth
Tree of Good and Evil
Why the Flood of Noah
The Tower of Babel
History of God
The Absolute Realm
The Perfect Realm
The Angelic Realm
The Three Archangels
The Jewel called Mother Earth
Early Man before Adam
The Rebellion of Lucifer
God repairs the Earth
Tree of Good and Evil
Why the Flood of Noah
The Tower of Babel