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God's Infinite Nature
The Master was speaking to Chester as he meditated. "The Eternal created Reality outside of the Absolute Realm by using
God Infinite nature to create an infinite
number of possibilities. This is the Unmanifested Realm.
All realities already exist
but almost all realities have yet to be observed. Observance
comes from the Awareness of God. Awareness and Infinity
together create the Manifested Realm.
God manifests realities, by creating awareness flames
that are sent into the possibilities as observers and participants.
You are an awareness flame joined to this reality through your physical body.
The earliest Realities God created were
only observed. Participation Realities were what
made the Perfect Realm possible.
All Realities that are contained in the Now are Realities that
Awareness flames actively participate in and are allowed to change
the Reality as it progresses."
Wisdom of Eternity
Wisdom of Infinity
Infinity Futher
Infinity Meditation
Wisdom of Balance
Wisdom of Holiness
Wisdom of Faith
Wisdom of Oneness
Wisdom of Awareness
Awareness Explained
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