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Holy Sabbath: Drawing Close to God
The Master and Chester watched the reflection of the sunset on the contemplation pond.
In the last month, Chester had noticed that the Master did this every week on Friday night.
He decided to
mimic the Master. Both were in a Zen meditation position with their eyes trained
on the setting sun and its awesome reflection on the cool still water. As the sun
slowly set, Chester felt a presence he had never felt before. Chester asked in a voice
saturated with awe, "What is happening?"
The Master's voice sounded like a deep comforting chime,
"In order to truly understand Holyness, one must experience a closeness to God.
After the great War of Rebellion, God made it easier
for his creation to draw close to him.
Gone was the need for endless rebirths. Now one just needed to be aware of his
presence every 7 days. After Lucifer tried to destroy the world, The Spirit of
God came down
and repaired what the rebellion of Lucifer had almost totally destroyed. The Torah
records in Genesis how the Spirit of the Eternal came down and repaired in 7 days
our Mother Earth. Lucifer was determined to make the reincarnations fail in their
attempt to regain unity with the Supreme Bliss. After God
repaired the destruction of Lucifer and made the Mother Earth ready to bring forth
children, he created the Sabbath by resting on the seventh day. A day he placed
his presence on so it would be easier for the souls to connect with him. Right now,
you are feeling
Gods Holy presence, and will continue to feel a
Oneness for the next 24 hours if you keep the Sabbath Holy.
The Sabbath is the first part of the Amended Plan of God. The Resurrection is the amended plan of God part two
God (A Modern Perspective)
God's Sacred Name
Was Christ God in the Flesh?
God Talking To You
God's Creation and The Dance of Shiva
Buddha: Atheist or God?
Reincarnation: The Original Plan of God
Sabbath: The Amended Plan of God part 1
Resurrection: The Amended Plan of God part 2
The Sabbath is a Rehearsal
Sabbath and the Buddha
The Tao of Sabbath
Seven Sabbath Meditations
How to Meditate
Advanced Meditation
The Parable of the King's Diamonds
Chester's Oral tests
And God said...
Understanding God
The Aquarian Gospel of Christ
Jesus Christ
Is Krishna also Christ?
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