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God and the Buddhist
GOD was aware of all of the Masters of the Seven Religions but the most advanced was a little known Buddhist Monk who had renamed himself Zen. GOD's habit was the game of meeting God in a dream.
The Monk had been meditating for seven days and seven nights on the paradox of existence and non-existence and on how both were true. The Creator God made introductions by commending the Monk on his Spiritual Progress by stating the obvious. "A perfect posture and the calmest of minds."
The Monk felt a surge of energy as his third eye opened completely and the highest heaven sprang from the crown of his head. The Monk was floating on a rainbow next to the Supreme Creator Himself as he sat on his throne. A heavenly choir began singing behind them in harmony that became "Hallelujah" in every language! The sweet Aum of every Buddha of the seven worlds joined in as they all harmonized from the rumble of bass to the sweetest of high notes. "Om..... , Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Om..... , "
As the universe itself laid at the monk's feet and reveled in ecstasy, the Master of Buddhism, the purest soul in a thousand worlds achieved the penultimate achievement of non-attachment. The adoration of all of creation meant nothing to the Monk and he maintained a perfect posture and the calmest of minds for he had no desires at all.
The Monk had become the Omniscient one yet unattached to knowledge. The Monk was Omnipresent yet his focus never strayed for he kept a perfect posture and maintained the calmest of minds. The Monk was Omnipotent yet strayed not from meditating on the paradox of existence and non-existence.
For a week on Earth, and a thousand years in the Highest Heaven, the Monk maintained a perfect posture and the calmest of minds. The Lord of Creation stood and bowed with a slow flourish towards his resplendent throne and proclaimed! "You are the highest of the Supreme and I give you my throne. Speak, and anything you desire I will give you."
The monk replied meekly in the humblest of voice, "My Lord that is my suffering. I no longer desire and yet I cannot let go of the paradox of illusion. I seriously doubt that even the Supreme Creator is real, yet I am humbled you have offered your throne. Until I can resolve the paradox of existence and non-existence I can not break free from the wonderful illusion you have created."
The Supreme Creator felt sympathy for the monk and had compassion and said, "I can save you from a thousand more years of reflecting on the paradox of existence and non-existence with a subtle hint."
The Monk had a most perfect of postures and the calmest of minds when the Supreme Creator intoned, "It is not my existence you should have serious doubts about."
Instantly the monk vanished for he had solved the paradox of existence and non-existence.
Immortality: The Eternal Life
The Key to Immortality
The Words of Eternal Life
Fountain of Youth
Unknown Spiritual Blessing of Being Gay
The Great Feast of the Lord
The Dragon and The Fairy
GOD and the Atheist
GOD and the Devil
GOD and the Buddhist
The King's Diamonds
The Mountain of God
Secret Sayings of Christ
The 4 Noble Truths
Autobiography of A Yogi
The Bhagavad-Gita
The Essence of All Religion
The Gospel of Buddha
Kashmir Shaivism's 15 Verses of Wisdom
Narada's Bhakti Sutras of Spiritual Devotion
Sutras of the Seven Wisdoms
Tao Te Ching (Tao Teh Ching)
Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Visions of Sadhu Sundar Singh of India
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The Healing Power of Tia Chi and Qi Gong (Qigong)
Original Christianity: A New Key to Understanding the Gospel of Thomas and Other Lost Scriptures
The Lost Secret of Death: Our Divided Souls and the Afterlife
The Division of Consciousness: The Secret Afterlife of the Human Psyche
Babaji's Kriya Hatha Yoga: 18 Postures of Relaxation & Rejuvenation
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